wildbark video Projectors

Jordan McDonald, Bryn Williams, Annabelle Killen
Design - Video File

As part of a student project, we were tasked with developing video files for use on the outdoor projector array at the Wildbark Visitor Center at Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary in the ACT.

Problem Solving

The first obstacle in this project were the projectors themselves. Three Epson EV-110 projectors in line made for a very odd aspect ratio. It took several days of testing, adjusting and calibrating to bring the projectors into a usable state.

Pre-Existing Designs

A significant portion of this project involved working with pre-existing design elements that had become central to Wildbark’s brand identity. Part of this process was collating multiple different portions into one cohesive whole.

Over the years, Wildbark had used numerous colours in their public-facing material. We collated them, and sought to use them all together in a balanced and visually pleasing manner.


As part of extending Wildbark’s design language, we looked to the textures used in the signage of the walking trails. Observing them, we developed design rules:

  • The icon should capture the abstract texture of a biome, not be an exact representation.

  • The texture lines inside never touch, there's always a gap.

  • Break lines up, use dots to help carry the motion.

  • The lines and dots shouldn't be perfectly rigid and circular, let them be a little irregular.


As these video files would be projected on the Wildbark building at night, we wanted to ensure the image was never perfectly static. Bringing the icons to life helped to prevent the appearance of a still image being projected.


Design | Soundstage


Fabrication | Alien Motion Tracker